Changing Spa Water

As you use your spa, soap and detergent residues from your skin and bathing suits, along with other substances from maintaining the spa’s water chemistry will accumulate in the spa water and make maintaining the water more difficult. Rinsing your bathing suits and showering without soap prior to entering your spa will increase the life of your spa water. Depending upon usage, the spa water will need to be changed every 1-6 months or when the water chemistry levels become difficult to manage.

If you’re looking to clean the plumbing system of your spa, remove your filters and then add Clean Start to your water before draining. After running the jets for 30 minutes your pipes will be flushed and the spa will be ready to drain. While the spa is draining, remove all JetPaks for cleaning. Wipe down the shell, jet pod areas, and JetPaks with a spa surface cleaner, as necessary. Clean the filters with SpaGuard Filter Cleaner.

WARNING: An empty spa (spa without water in it) must not be left exposed to sunlight as shell damage may occur. While the spa is draining, shade the spa with cover or wrapping to prevent direct exposure to sunlight.

Draining Your Spa:

Step 1: Turn off main electrical breaker to the spa.

Step 2: Locate drain below equipment compartment door

Step 3: Pull the drain out with a slight clockwise turn. Use pliers if needed.

Step 4: Remove drain cap. NOTE: The drain spout will not drain when fully extended

Step 5: Attach a standard garden hose. Push the drain spout in halfway to actuate the drain. NOTE: Drain is fully extended at approximately 2 inches.

Step 6: Once the spa is fully drained, pull the drain spout out all the way, remove hose, replace the drain cap and push the drain in all the way.

IMPORTANT: Drain your spa to an area that can handle a large quantity of water. Avoid drainage that can lead into basement window wells or any other area where damage could occur. If draining water onto vegetation, make sure that the sanitizer level (chlorine or bromine) of the water is less than 0.5 PPM.

Refilling Your Spa:

Step 1: Add fresh water.

Step 2: Once the spa is full, add sanitizer. NOTE: Wait 6-8 hours before use.

Step 3: Check PH and Alk levels. NOTE: Use PH Decreaser as needed to lower both the PH and Alk levels – retest after 4-5 hours. Add Calcium Hardness if the water is soft. Add Stain And Scale to swim spa.

Step 4: When PH and Alk levels are good, add one Silk Balance Gem to the water.