Water Care Start up

If you are just filling up your spa for the first time or refilling after having drained your spa, following these steps will help you to get your spa ready for use.

When adding any chemical to your spa, run your jets for approximately 20 minutes and keep your spa’s cover off for the same amount of time.

Step 1 – pH and Alkalinity

Use test strips to test for your pH and alkalinity levels.  The ideal range for pH is between 7.2 and 7.8 while the ideal range for alkalinity is between 100 and 140 parts per million (ppm).

Making sure these levels are balanced will help your sanitizer, chlorine or bromine, to do its job.  If your pH and alkalinity are not balanced, your sanitizer will have a harder time fighting off bacteria and keeping your water clean and clear.  If your pH and alkalinity are balanced, move on to step 2.

You may need to adjust your pH and alkalinity based on the scenarios below.  Use the chart on the back of the bottles to determine dosage.

  • High pH and Alkalinity: Use pH Decreaser to lower the pH and alkalinity of your water.  This is the most common scenario and you will most likely need to do this every time you refill your spa.
  • Low pH: Use pH Increaser to increase the pH of your water.
  • Low Alkalinity: Use Total Alkalinity Increaser to raise the alkalinity of your water.  If after you have done this your pH level becomes too high, then you will need to use pH Decreaser to lower the pH.
  • Low pH and Alkalinity: In the rare case this occurs, you will need to add Alkalinity Increaser first, test your water, and add pH Increaser if needed.

After having added the necessary adjusters, it will take 3-5 hours for the pH or alkalinity to change.  Once the time has elapsed, retest your water and repeat the process until the ideal levels are reached.

Once your pH and alkalinity levels are balanced, you may consider adding a product like SilkBalance to help keep those levels from fluctuating up and down.

Step 2 – Sanitizer (Chlorine / Bromine)

Once pH and alkalinity levels have been balanced, it is time to add sanitizer to your water in order to fight off bacteria and other contaminants.  Maintaining a consistent level of sanitizer in the water will help keep your water clean and clear.


The ideal level for chlorine is between 3-4 ppm.  If you have just filled up your spa, your test strip should read at the level 0 for chlorine.  To raise your chlorine level you may use either Chlorinating Concentrate or Enhanced Shock.  

If you are using Chlorinating Concentrate add ½ teaspoon per 100 gallons of water.  Most spas are between 400 and 500 gallons, so you are safe to add 2-3 teaspoons to start.  After 20 minutes, use a test strip to determine the level of chlorine that is in your water.  If your chlorine level is still too low, add an additional 2-3 teaspoons, wait 20 minutes and test again.  Repeat this process until a residual chlorine level of 3-4 ppm has been reached.

If you are using Enhanced Shock add 3 tablespoons to your spa’s water and repeat the testing process as described above.


The ideal level for bromine is between 4-8 ppm.  If you have just filled up your spa, your test strip should read at the level 0 for bromine.  To raise your bromine level you will want to use Brominating Concentrate along with Brominating Tablets in a Floater.

Brominating Concentrate is used to boost up Bromine levels quickly, while Brominating Tablets release more slowly and are used to replenish the bromine that has been used up when the spa has been used.

To increase your bromine level, add the Brominating Concentrate at a rate of ½ teaspoon per 100 gallons.  Most spas are between 400 and 500 gallons, so you are safe to add 2-3 teaspoons to start.   After 20 minutes, use a test strip to determine the level of bromine that is in your water.  If your bromine level is still too low, add an additional 2-3 teaspoons, wait 20 minutes and test again.  Repeat this process until a residual bromine level of 4-8 ppm has been reached.

Once the level has been reached, add your Floater full of Bromine Tablets to the spa and set it at the level of 2 for now.  If you find that as you use the spa you tend to run low on Bromine, you will need to increase the level on the Floater to allow for more bromine to be released.

Step 3 – Calcium Hardness

The ideal level for Calcium Hardness in a spa is between 200-400 ppm.  Ensuring the Calcium Hardness is balanced will help to keep your spa water from becoming foamy and keep other parts in the spa from eroding or becoming damaged. You will want to avoid filling up your spa with soft water. Soft water will cause your Calcium Hardness level to be low.

Use a test strip to determine the current level of Calcium Hardness in your spa.  More than likely, your spa water will already have the correct level of Calcium Hardness.  If it happens to be too low you will need to use Calcium Hardness Increaser to raise the calcium levels.  Use the chart located below or on the back of the bottle to determine dosage.

Spa Capacity (gals)25 ppm50 ppm100 ppm
1001 Tbsp2 Tbsp4 Tbsp
1501 1/2 Tbsp3 Tbsp6 Tbsp
2502 1/2 Tbsp5 Tbsp10 Tbsp
4004 Tbsp8 Tbsp16 Tbsp
5005 Tbsp10 Tbsp20 Tbsp
Amount of SpaGuard Calcium Hardness Increaser Needed to Raise Calcium by 25, 50 and 100 ppm

In the rare case you find your Calcium Hardness level is much higher than 400 ppm, you will want to use a Pre-Filter next time you fill up your spa.  The Pre-Filter will help to remove some of the calcium from the water you are filling your spa with.

Step 4 – Enjoy Your Spa!

Although it may seem like a lot of work at first, ensuring all these levels are balanced before using the spa will help you keep them balanced as you are using your spa from day to day.

Happy Hot Tubbing!

Need More Help?

  • If you are having a hard time reading your test strips, feel free to send a picture of one to our text line: (801) 737-4515
  • Bring in a water care sample to any of our locations to have a Water Care Expert help you out!